• (352) 478 8560
  • info@clearscienceinc.com

Clear Science, Inc. has ceased operations as of 31 December, 2024

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How can business improve profits by enhanced environmental situational awareness (ESA)

Click here for a real-life example!

How is environmental situational awareness delivered (and constantly updated)?

Click here for a an example!

Do you know what your ACTUAL hurricane risk is?

Click here for information on our hurricane risk/history tool

Environmental information can be used to determine risks to personnel.

Click here for an example!

A modern approach to your environmental situational awareness is so important. See this rather famous example.

Click here to see it!

CSI Provides Improved Long-range Freeze Outlook for Florida Growers

Working with the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS), CSI has developed an improved Freeze Probability Outlook to support Florida agriculture. This extended-range forecast provides insight beyond the 2-week outlook available from other sources.

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CSI’s ClimateLab™ Supports Environmental Research at the Naval Postgraduate School

Graduate students at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) in Monterey, California are using a new tool to facilitate environmental research projects. ClimateLab™ is a web-based subscription service that provides rapid access to environmental data sets without requiring users to download, store, or backup data on local machines.

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CSI Enhances Navy Search and Rescue Software

CSI has been selected to continue providing software upgrades and user support services for the Navy’s Drift-SAR system. Drift-SAR predicts the location of drifting floating objects – including personnel – and submerged objects based on objects’ physical characteristics and observed and forecasted environmental conditions.

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CSI Wins SBIR Phase II.5 Contract for ACAF-DSS

The Office of Naval Research has issued a Supplemental Phase II (Phase II.5) contract to CSI to continue development of our Advanced Climate Analysis and Forecast – Decision Support System (ACAF-DSS). Under the new contract, CSI will research, develop, and demonstrate technical objectives requested by fleet support personnel and researchers.

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CSI Technology Cuts Across All Economic Sectors!

The Advanced Climate Analysis and Forecast - Decision Support System (ACAF-DSS)

  • Verticals
  • Government
  • Agriculture
  • Land Management/Wildfire Response
  • Insurance/Emergency Managers
  • A Few Real-world use cases
Explore the tabs to see examples of ACAF-DSS technology in action

By exploring the use-cases within the tabs, you will undoubtedly envision hundreds of other application of the DSS technology. The DSS was created from the ground up to suit the needs of many the decision-makers, regardless of the question or challenge. This has resulted in a powerful technology that can serve any sector of the economy to improve:

  • Readiness - Knowledge of probabilities of disruptive events ahead of time at all levels to adapt rather than react
  • Safety - Arm safety engineers with information to prepare, rather than react
  • Event Timing - Reduce risk for high-risk operations
  • Maintenance - Plan your maintenance cycle when it makes sense
  • Finance/investing - Know the global situation, not just regional, for sophisticated investment decisions
  • Enhanced Profitability - When all levels operate better, the bottom line improves

  • U.S. Department of Defense and Other Departments
A 20-year History Serving the U.S. Government

Our technology is firmly rooted in the US Government's need for predictive and forensic information about the global environment. CSI developed the U.S. Navy's enterprise climate analysis tool entitled the Advanced Climate Analysis and Forecast (ACAF) system. To date, CSI has transitions 6 versions of legacy ACAF for use by the DOD, and other department of Government. Today, decision-makers have this tool for better safety, staging, and readiness by having significant foreknowledge of the global atmosphere.

By comparison, however, modern versions of the ACAF, now called the ACAF Decision Support System (ACAF-DSS) are 10x more capable and expandable to support a higher order decision-making.

  • Agriculture Use Case
CSI Provides Improved Long-range Freeze Outlook for Florida Growers

The Advanced Climate Analysis and Forecast - Decision Support System (ACAF-DSS) has a pletora of uses within the realm of agriculture. This technology can predict nutrient leeching events, precipitation rhythm, drought, and enable farmers to be better prepared to enhance their readiness for atmospheric fluctuations, and maximize them for profit.

Example: In conjuction with the University of Florida's Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS), CSI poineered a freeze probability outlook (leveraging the ACAF-DSS). This outlook enabled Florida's specialty crop farmers to see the probability of additional freze events throughout the state. The timing of the last seasonal freeze event is absolutely critical to Florida farmers and getting that right can be the difference between a profitable year, or bust.

  • Identifying high-risk timeframes east of the Cascades

CSI leveraged the predictive ability of the DSS to assist land managers. This capability was leveraged to extend the prediction time managers had before off-shore winds stoked fires east of the Cascades (West Coast) into major fire events.

By identifying periods of increased probabilities of major fires during the summers months, managers could advise responders and other land owners enhancing their ability to respond, saving thousands of acres of timber.

  • A Location-Specific Hurricane Risk Analysis Tool

Hurricanes in the US wreak havoc on the economy season after season. If you live in a hurricane prone area, you know how these storms impact your life and business. But what is your actual risk of a hurricane? At what intensity? What month is your greatest risk? The answer to all of those is that it depends on WHERE you are.

CSI used the Advanced Climate Analysis and Forecast - Decision Support System (ACAF-DSS) to create a hurricane risk analysis tool that answers those and many other questions instantly, and based on your location. Numerical risk statistics are calculated that are specific to an address or a map-click that reaches into history to complete your risk picture rather than relying on anecdotal stories or inaccurate news reporting. You can see and evaluate each and every storm passing near your location (radius selection) throughout history, or assess the overall risk based on authority historical datasets.

Research and Development Areas

Throughout our history, our research and development topics have involved the following topics.

Environmental Decision Support

Providing innovative ways to assist our forces in predicting and leveraging environmental conditions.
Click to see an example of an Environmental Situational Awareness Product

Hurricane Prediction

Applying state-of-the-science approaches to predictive models for topical cyclone formation and tracks.

Click to see an example of our Hurricane Risk Analysis tool


Leading analysis of historical Climate datasets to gain predictive insight into future weather.

See an example of how important this kind of analysis is!


Throughout our rich history, we have developed a mature menu of modern capabilities.

Company News

CSI news by category.

  • Contracts
  • Products
  • Events
  • Community
  • CSI CEO Speaks at NOAA's 20th Annual Climate Prediction Application Science Workshop
  • CSI Wins FAA Contract Weather Observer Services Contract
  • CSI Enhances Navy Search and Rescue Software
  • CSI Completes ACAF-DSS SBIR Phase 2
  • CSI on Winning Team Providing Oceanographic Software Support
  • CSI Wins SBIR Phase II.5 Contract for ACAF-DSS
  • US Navy SeaPort Next Generation Award
CSI CEO Speaks at NOAA's 20th Annual Climate Prediction Application Science Workshop (CPASWS)

CSI CEO Bruce Ford had the pleasure of speaking at NOAA's 20th Annual Climate Prediction Applications Science Workshop (CPAWS).

He updated the august audience on the progress in recent years on CSI's Advance Climate Analysis and Forecast System - Decision Support System (ACAF-DSS).

According to Ford, 'It was a great opportunity to showcase how the DSS handles some of the more complex use cases by running multiple future-atmosphere scenarios to an audience that appreciates challenges in making massive climate and historical datasets accessible and usable for advanced planning and decision-making.'

The link to Ford's presentation:

Click here to view

CSI Wins FAA Contract Weather Observer Services Contract

Clear Science, Inc. (CSI) has been awarded a contract by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to provide weather observation services at 11 commercial airports in the western United States. Under the 5-year, $25 million contract, CSI employs certified weather observers to enhance safety of flight by providing real-time updates of hazardous conditions and augmenting automated weather systems’ capabilities.

“The FAA contract underscores CSI’s capabilities as a weather-centric company”, said CSI president Bruce Ford. “From cutting-edge R&D to 24/7 aviation support, we are laser focused on using weather information – past, present, and future – to reduce risk and enable our customers to make more informed decisions. I look forward to working with our colleagues in the contract weather observer (CWO) community as they continue to provide essential services for commercial aviation safety.”

The contract adds 75 CWO personnel to CSI’s workforce, with sites at Centennial, Colorado Springs, and Denver, Colorado; Billings, Montana; Las Vegas and Reno, Nevada; Portland and Eugene, Oregon; Salt Lake City, Utah; and Seattle and Spokane, Washington.

CSI Enhances Navy Search and Rescue Software

CSI has been selected to continue providing software upgrades and user support services for the Navy’s Drift-SAR system. Drift-SAR predicts the location of drifting floating objects – including personnel – and submerged objects based on objects’ physical characteristics and observed and forecasted environmental conditions. The system is also used to “back-calculate” the point of origin of a found object. Navy fleet operators use Drift-SAR to plan search-and-rescue and object recovery operations.

Under the new contracts, CSI will develop, test, document and implement new capabilities including mine drift prediction and oil spill dispersion forecasting. The work is funded by the Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command will be performed under subcontract to General Dynamics Information Systems.

CSI Completes ACAF-DSS SBIR Phase 2

The U.S. Navy’s Office of Naval Research has accepted CSI’s final report on initial development of our Advanced Climate Analysis and Forecasting – Decision Support System (AFAC-DSS). The development work was funded by a Phase 2 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) contract initiated in 2016.

CSI on Winning Team Providing Oceanographic Software Support

Clear Science is providing on-site technical support to the Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVOCEANO) Oceanographic Department at Stennis Space Center in Mississippi. As part of a team led by prime contractor DeVine Consulting, Inc., our personnel provide software development and maintenance services for systems that collect, process, display, and disseminate environmental data from buoys, and autonomous surface and subsurface vehicles. This work helps ensure availability of near real-time oceanographicdata for assimilation into NAVOCEANO ocean nowcast and forecast models that support military exercises and operational activities as well as Fleet requested tactical data products.

The team provides operational and technical support services, including custom software programming support, for a range of Government Off the Shelf (GOTS) Applications Software used by the Department. Their work helps improve data coverage, accuracy, and timeliness of NAVOCEANO products and enables transition of new technologies to operational use, with a focus on new satellite and in situ environmental data sources that can have a critical impact on naval operations. DeVine won the potential 5-year prime contract in late 2020.

CSI Wins SBIR Phase II.5 Contract for ACAF-DSS

The Office of Naval Research has issued a Supplemental Phase II (Phase II.5) contract to CSI to continue development of our Advanced Climate Analysis and Forecast – Decision Support System (ACAF-DSS). Under the new contract CSI will research, develop and demonstrate 16 specific technical objectives requested by fleet support personnel and researchers. These objectives reflect heavy user demand placed on the current operational ACAF system – from which ACAF-DSS evolved – and a growing appreciation of the emerging power of ACAF-DSS as a planning and research tool. The additional R&D work is funded under the Navy’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program.

The Phase II.5 award builds on the successful completion of Phase II. In Phase II, CSI developed a prototype application using an in-house computing environment that mimics the Navy high-performance computing system on which ACAF-DSS will be deployed. In addition to new capabilities, the Phase II.5 effort focuses on maturing the user interface (front end) and planning ACAF-DSS installation at the Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center in Monterey, California.

January 8, 2019 - Clear Science, Inc. Awarded US Navy SeaPort Next Generation Contract

Clear Science, Inc. (CSI), developer of mission planning and decision support software that exploits massive amounts of weather and oceanographic data, has been awarded a SeaPort Next Generation (Seaport-NxG) prime contract by the US Navy. This award allows CSI to compete for a range of professional services work for current and new customers throughout the Department of the Navy.

SeaPort-NxG is the Navy’s primary Multiple-Award Indefinite-Delivery/Indefinite-Quantity (IDIQ) contract for obtaining contractor support services. SeaPort-NxG has a five-year base and five-year option ordering period, with a potential value of $5 billion per year for all prime contract holders. Unlike its predecessor SeaPort-e, SeaPort-NxG has no geographic zone restrictions. This means CSI may bid on and perform work wherever required by a customer’s task order.

Bruce Ford, CSI’s founder and president, said, “We are very excited to win this SeaPort-NxG contract. It provides another contract through which our core customers can access CSI’s capabilities. In addition, as a growing small business, we are eager to serve new customers within the Navy using this flexible and streamlined contract vehicle.”

CSI is an SBA-certified service disabled veteran owned small business headquartered in Keystone Heights, Florida with an additional office located in Gainesville, FL. CSI develops web-based software applications that enable objective decision-making in the intelligence, mission planning, and risk analysis domains. The company’s products harness the power of Big Data analytics to quickly derive knowledge from multiple terabytes of raw environmental data. These products allow users to quantify likely environmental conditions based on a host of climatological variables and to define quantitative ‘levels of confidence’ for forecasts based on statistical analyses of each forecast model’s demonstrated accuracy under similar global conditions.

  • CSI Provides Improved Long-range Freeze Outlook for Florida Growers
  • CSI’s ClimateLab™ Supports Environmental Research at the Naval Postgraduate School
  • Historical Temperatures Widget - New Launch!
  • Climate Index Python Lib
CSI Provides Improved Long-range Freeze Outlook for Florida Growers

Working with the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS), CSI has developed an improved Freeze Probability Outlook to support Florida agriculture. This extended-range forecast provides insight beyond the 2-week outlook available from other sources. The Freeze Probability Outlook is produced using CSI’s Climate Outlook Resource for Global Insight (CORGI™) technology. It is derived by an analysis which blends historical climate configurations (statistical compositing of similar seasonal teleconnection patterns) coupled with an analysis of dynamical long-range forecasts. The long-range forecast component is provided by the NOAA Climate Forecast System Version 2 2-meter air temperature at appropriate valid times with a spatial resolution of 1⁄2 degree.

CSI worked closely with FAWN Director Rick Lusher and Dr Christian Christensen and Dr. Clyde Fraisse of IFAS to define parameters of the Freeze Probability Outlook. In developing this new resource, IFAS and CSI collaborated to provide a better planning tool for growers/farmers, extension agents, agricultural businesses and other FAWN stakeholders.

The current outlook is posted on the IFAS Florida Automated Weather Network (FAWN) website; click here to view.

CSI’s ClimateLab™ Supports Environmental Research at the Naval Postgraduate School

Graduate students at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) in Monterey, California are using a new tool to facilitate environmental research projects. ClimateLab™ is a web-based subscription service that provides rapid access to environmental data sets without requiring users to download, store, or backup data on local machines. This is important because environmental datasets – such as forecast model output, reanalysis products, and climatology data – are very large. Downloading and managing these data is time consuming and expensive in terms of machine time and data transfer fees. ClimateLab™ uses Jupyter Hub/Lab technology to enable researchers to access, use, query, and manipulate datasets and test and test and store experimental results within CSI’s data warehouse. ClimateLab™ also provides and extensive library of code for working with data (e.g., visualizing, analyzing, applying to prediction and other operational problems); access to data that is already formatted to optimize efficient use. Data management and experimental calculations are conducted in the same environment to optimize processing speed.

ClimateLab™ is available by subscription to users needing a way to access commonly used environmental datasets without downloading and managing huge amounts of data. Click here to contact CSI at info@clearscienceinc.com for more information about ClimateLab™ and the available datasets.

3 June, 2020 - CSI has released the initial version of a historical temperature widget that is embeddable on your website.

Widget publishers may pick a location (latitude and longitude) and and (voila!) your website visitors can see a representation of the historical 40 year average, maximum and minimum temperatures through out the present day. Click here to get yours!

Example of the hourly-view of the Gauge Daily Widget for the historial min/mean/max Temperature surface values at CSI HQ on May 8.
27 May, 2020 - Clear Science, Inc. Monthly Climate Oscillation Index Value Picker V2.0 released.

CSI index picker now contains 13 Climate Oscillation Indices! (Get the importable Python Library now!)

Note that this version provides historical monthly climate oscillation values for:

  • December 2020 - CSI Hosts Technology Summit on Weather Risk Reduction
December 2020 - CSI Hosts Technology Summit on Weather Risk Reduction

In December 2020 CSI hosted an event to promote discussion of weather risk and how businesses and state and local governments anticipate risks important to them. In particular, the focus was on uncertainty in the important 2-week to 1-year planning time frame. Discussion centered on how CSI’s CORGI application helps improve forecast accuracy of specific weather parameters (storm probability, rainfall/drought, freeze onset, etc.) compared to typical seasonal outlooks and long-range forecasts.

Attendees at the hybrid virtual/in-person event included leaders from Florida state agencies and representative of companies in transportation, insurance, lumber, and agriculture sectors. We were honored to have over 50 in attendance. The event was one element of CSI’s effort to commercialize our ACAF-DSS/CORGI software application developed under a U.S. Navy R&D contract. Feedback from participants helps define specific features of interest to non-military users that CSI will implement in CORGI to speed adoption in non-DoD markets.

Click here to learn more about CORGI.

  • 1/15/2019 - St. Francis House
  • 11/18/2018 - Lake Area Ministries

Bruce W. Ford, President of Clear Science, Inc. (CSI) presents Kent Vann, Executive Director of St. Francis House, a check for $1,500.00, along with several bins of gently used clothing items. The funds and clothing are a combined contribution from CSI and its employees as one of many acts of charity for 2018.

St. Francis House is a non-profit organization that has served Gainesville for nearly 30 years. Its primary mission is to empower families with children to transition from homelessness to self-sufficiency by providing case management, housing, food, training, job referral services, and educational resources in a secure environment. St. Francis House also provides meals, shelter, public phone access, regional transit system bus passes, laundry services, and clothing vouchers.

CSI (Clear Science, Inc.) is a research and development firm, headquartered in Keystone Heights, Fla., with an additional location in Gainesville, FL. CSI creates specialized mission planning and decision support software for the US Navy and other government customers. This software exploits massive amounts of weather and oceanographic data, so users can best manage risk and optimize the use of limited assets.

Find us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/clear-science-inc

Please visit: www.stfrancishousegnv.org for more information on how you can get involved with St. Francis House of Gainesville, FL.

Bruce W. Ford, President of Clear Science, Inc. (CSI) presents Chip Wester, of Lake Area Ministries, a check for $1500 to purchase food. The funds are a combined contribution from CSI and its employees as an act of charity, one of several that they have contributed to, for 2018. CSI (Clear Science Inc.) is an R&D firm, located in Keystone Heights, Fla., that specializes in Climate, long-range forecasting, Meteorology and Oceanography. Lake Area Ministries is a non-profit organization that has served Keystone Heights and the Lake Region area for over 25 years. Their primary mission is to serve as a Food Pantry for parts of Clay, Bradford, Putnam, and Alachua Counties. Due to the generosity of CSI and its employees, nearly 70 families have been provided with food for the month of November.


Government Clients


Contract Vehicles

Contact Us

Phone Number

(352) 478-8560


7435 State Road 21, Keystone Heights, FL 32656

